Sunday, September 8th, 2024

  • Lending by the IMF and its many implications and complications for Africans

    Lending by the IMF and its many implications and complications for Africans0

    • Finance
    • Saturday, February 6th, 2021

    A country in severe financial trouble, unable to pay its international bills, poses potential problems for the stability of the international financial system, which the IMF was created to protect. Any member country, whether rich, middle-income, or poor, can turn to the IMF for financing if it has a balance of payments need—that is, if

  • White flight from South Africa : Between staying and going

    White flight from South Africa : Between staying and going0

    • Africa
    • Friday, February 5th, 2021

    First, he thought it was a mouse, then a rat—and then the rat shot him in the face. That is how André Brink, one of South Africa’s most famous novelists, described the recent killing of his nephew Adri, at home at 3am in the morning. The young man was left to die on the floor,

  • Slave markets in Libya – Who is to blame? By Elliot Booker

    Slave markets in Libya – Who is to blame? By Elliot Booker0

    • Africa
    • Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021

    When CNN released video footage of a live slave auction in Libya, captured by journalist Nima Elbagir, shockwaves were sent around the world. Libya’s suffering and slavery didn’t just happen. Starting the bidding at $400 each, buyers purchased 12 African migrants at an undisclosed location outside the capital city of Tripoli in a matter of minutes.